Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fast Food Advertising And Childhood Obesity Essay

A rise in obesity has been observed in the United States in the last two decades. Obesity is one problem that gives birth to numerous fatal diseases, including but not limited to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a survey and found that, â€Å"More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese† (Ogden, Carroll). One of the main reasons behind obesity is the American’s love for fast food. Fast food contains only a small proportion of essential nutrients, and is loaded with unhealthy and non-essential nutrients which do nothing but contribute to obesity and resulting diseases. An equally increasing trend has been observed in the openings of new fast food locations. The fact sheet issued by National Restaurant Association shows that â€Å"970,000 new fast food locations were opened in year 2012 and the restaur ant-industry share of each food dollar spent stands at 48%† (2012 forecast). Those parents who know about the adverse effects of fast food consumption try their best to keep their children away from it. But no matter how hard they try to shield their children, some negative forces like advertising provides them a complete exposure to such unhealthy food. A kid may never have eaten a McDonald’s hamburger, but he/she definitely knows what it looks like, thanks to the power of commercials. â€Å"A study of almost 100,000 food ads on TV showed that 89% of ads that teenagers see are promoting products high in fat, sugar, and/or sodium† (Taylor, Daniel). The advertisers are very smart and they never tell the complete story of products they advertise. They make the food look so tempting that it becomes irresistible for everyone especially kids. They best know the techniques to reach out the targeted consumers. Most of the TV advertisements show super-sized meals at cheaper prices but they never show that the excess consumption results in excess calories input. â€Å"A study by Tirtha Dhar and Kathy Baylis indicates that the parents whose children are constantly begging for fast food, after being exposed to TV ads end up purchasing fast food more frequently than parents whose children are not exposed to advertising† (Dhar, Baylis 3). In order to build a prosperous  and healthy nation, Government should take action to ban fast food advertising completely to the children. Achievement of this goal requires unity and mutual efforts by whole nation. The issue of fast food advertising to children is not new and an initiative was taken by the Federal Trade Commission after the joint workshop of FTC and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Marketing, Self-Regulation and Childhood Obesity held in 2005. FTC was the first ever organization in the US which recommended that the Cong ress ban fast food advertising to children under age of 12. According to a report issued by them to Congress, â€Å"44 reporting companies spent approximately $1,618,600,000 to promote food and beverages to children and adolescents in the U.S. in 2006. Approximately $870 million was spent on food marketing directed to children under 12 and a little more than $1 billion on marketing to adolescents† (Kovacic, Harbour, Leibowitz and Rosch). Congress has not worked on any of the recommendations presented in the report yet. It seems like they care more about the profits earned by the giant fast food industry than the health and wellness of general public. Banning fast food advertisements won’t solve the obesity problem at once but it is surely one of the best steps in the right direction – a step that more law makers should not be afraid to take. â€Å"The similar advertising bans already exist in some jurisdictions such as in Quebec (Canada) and few Scandinavian countries† (Dhar, Baylis 7). â€Å"Sweden, Norway, and Finland have banned commercial sponsorship of children’s programs. Sweden also does not permit any television advertising targeting children under the age of twelve† (Role of Media). â€Å"Quebec’s 32 years ban on advertising to children had led to $88 million annual reduction in expenditures on fast food and 13.4 billion to 18.4 billion fewer fast food calories being consumed per year† (Dhar, Baylis 2-10). Residents of Quebec have a very sedentary life, yet their obesity rate is comparatively lesser than the US. These figures indicate that the sanction on fast food adverti sement can prove effective in lowering or curbing fast food consumption in the United States as well. A larger proportion of the US population leads a very active life. An active life combined with the proper and healthy diet may lead to significant reduction in the obesity rates. â€Å"Media and entertainment giant Walt Disney Co’s has already banned junk food advertisements during its TV, radio and other online programs intended for children under the age of 12† (Heavey). Lawmakers and other opponents of this campaign may not agree to the effects of advertising on children and may further argue that this ban will never be successful in achieving the desired results. A research paper commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that, â€Å"A survey conducted in the United States showed that 86 percent of children who smoked prefer Marlboro, Camel and Newport which are the three most heavily advertised brands† (Hammond). â€Å"A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 91 percent of six year old children surveyed identified the Joe Camel cartoon character as being associated with cigarettes, about the same percentage as recognized Mickey Mouse† (Fischer, Schwartz and Richards 3145-8). Lawmakers should not forget how the ban on Joe Camel proved to be successful in cutting smoking rates in the United States. â€Å"High school smoking rates dipped significantly from 34.8 percent in 1995 to 21.9 percen t in 2003† (Wilson). Now the webpage of Camel cigarettes cannot be even accessed by kids, as it requires input of some verifiable information. The ban should be placed on the TV channels which children watch the most. A similar ban should be placed on the free video streaming websites which display ads more than the desired videos. Alternatively, a specific time can be defined by the legislators during which no advertising related to fast food shall be displayed on TV. The report issued by FTC includes a variety of recommendations for media and entertainment companies. The best recommendation among them is that, â€Å"More media and entertainment companies should limit the licensing of their characters to healthier foods and beverages that are marketed to children, so that cross-promotions with popular children’s movies and television characters will favor the more, rather than the less, nutritious foods and drinks† (Kovacic, Harbour, Leibowitz and Rosch 11). FTC further recommended media and entertainment companies to use their powers positively. Their report states that â€Å"Media and entertainment companies should test the effectiveness of any health and nutrition messages and public education campaigns aimed at the problem of childhood obesity† (Kovacic, Harbour, Leibowitz and Rosch 11 ). Parents will have to play an active part in this regard. They need to be more watchful about their kid’s media consumption. They should keep an eye on the channels their children watch or the books and magazines they read to see what types of commercials are displayed. By doing this, they can filter out any media  source they don’t want their children to use. A child spends a considerable amount of time in a day in school. Schools can play an important role in making the children aware of adverse effects which fast food consumption can have on their health. They should make the fresh fruits and vegetables available to the children. Fast food companies spend a substantial amount on renting out the spaces used for billboards advertisements. City Government should take some action against these companies and restrict renting out such spaces to them. In order to make sure that these restrictions don’t affect the advertisement of healthy food, the government should set nutrition-based standards which will define what type of products can be advertised. Any product-line that doesn’t meet that standard will never be allowed to be advertised The opponents of this ban may argue that it completely depends on parents whether they let their children buy fast food or not; advertising doesn’t compel them. They ignore the fact that if a parent always says no to his or her children whenever he or she demands for fast food, it would affect them adversely. The kids will compare their position to other kids in the neighborhood or school, and will feel depressed by knowing the fact that they are the only ones who are not allowed to eat fast food. These psychological factors in turn will affect their education and career. â€Å"A mother of two children from California named Parham launched a class-action law suit against McDonald’s appealing that the toys given out with the Happy Meals unfairly trap kids into eating unhealthy foods† (Jodi, Sara). She further speaks about the success of advertising in this regard, â€Å"Other busy, working moms and dads know, we have to say ‘no’ to our young children so many times, and McDonald’s makes that so much harder to do† (Jodi, Sara). Advertising of junk food is the root cause of these problems, which if banned to children, will let the parents achieve the goal of keeping their children healthy and successful. Works Cited Ogden, Cynthia., and Carroll, Margaret. â€Å"Prevalence of Obesity Among Children and Adolescents: United States, Trends 1963-1965 Through 2007-2008.† Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC 24/7, June 2010. Web. 31 October, 2012. â€Å"2012 Restaurant Industry Forecast.† National Restaurant Association. National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, nd. Web. 02 November, 2012. Taylor, Julie., Daniel, S. Kirschenbaum. â€Å"Are Fast-Food Advertisers Playing You?† Fit WebMD, Sanford, nd. Web. 02 November, 2012. Dhar, Tritha., Baylis, Kathy. †Fast Food Consumption and the Ban on Advertising Targeting Children: The QuÈbec Experience.† Journal of Marketing Research 48.5 (2011). American Marketing Association. Pg 2-10. Web. 03 November, 2012. Kovacic, William., Harbour, Pamela., Leibowitz, Jon., Rosch, Thomas. â€Å"Marketing Food to Children and Adolescents.† Federal Trade Commission. FTC, July 2008. Web. 03 November, 2012. â€Å"The Role of Media In Childhood Obesity.† Kaiser Family Foundation. 2004. Web. 17 November, 2012. Heavey, Susan. â€Å"Disney Junk-Food Ad Ban Latest Move To Slim U.S. Kids.† Reuters, June 5, 2012. Web. 03 November, 2012. Hammond, Ross. â€Å"Tobacco Advertising & Promotion: The Need for a Coordinated Global Response.† World Health Organization, Geneva. WHO, January 7 to 9 2000. Web. 17 November, 2012 P.M. Fischer, M.P. Schwartz, J.W. Richards et al., â€Å"Brand Logo Recognition by Children Aged 3 to 6 Tears: Mickey Mouse an d Old Joe the Camel,† Journal of the American Medical Association 266 (1991). Pg. 3145-8. Web. 17 November, 2012. Wilson, Duff. â€Å"Teenage Smoking Rates Spur Calls to Renew Anti-Tobacco Campaigns.† The New York Times. NY Times, July 8, 2010. Web. 17 November, 2012 Jodi. Sara. â€Å"California Mom Sues McDonald’s Over Happy Meals.† Circle of Moms. December 15, 2010. Web. 04 November, 2012.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Civic Speech Outline – Teachers

He told his Peasant Princess that she would want for nothing. Well this was new. â€Å"If I want for nothing, then what want do I want? ‘ She thought long and hard about what she could do with her life. The Peasant Princess finally had an opportunity for a proper education. She loved children, and she spent all of her free time creating art projects. Why not combine all the things she loves? Education, Kids, Arts†¦ Do you see where this is going? As an elementary art teacher, she could spend every day doing all the things she loves. And they lived happily ever after!Well yes they did however this Isn't the end of our story. Soon thereafter, Prince Charming ‘s kingdom was overthrown by an evil king named Private Equity Firm. Private Equity took over the kingdom and stripped the Prince of his throne. Once again, the Prince and Princess were struggling peasants. No longer could she invest her time and limited resources in a future career that would pay no return beyond the humble reward of tiny smiles. Goal/Purpose My civic engagement, or calling, was to be an elementary teacher. Today, we will explore the passion many people share to be a teacher.We'll discuss the many benefits and rewards of the position. Then we will question, if it's so great why are so many teachers leaving the profession, within years of obtaining their degree, or In my case, even before then. In another lifetime, or should I say In a land far far away, this was my dream. L. Why? For me? A. . It wasn't the money, my prince provided well. Negative experience as early as Kindergarten. Ensure that didn't happen to others. Iii. V. This was my natural calling. Who I am. How I act. I wanted to make a difference and feel proud. B. For others? According to UNC (Univac of North Carolina, not Colorado) 9 Reasons to be a Teacher Experience the Joy of Making a Difference Have a Vocation, Not a Job 2. Enjoy Interpersonal Interaction 3. Benefit From Variety 4. Laugh Every Day 6. Have a H igh Level of Autonomy 7. Spend More Time With Your Family 8. Enjoy Lots of Vacation 9. . Summarized . Rewarding I'. Fun Summers off ‘v. Vocation II. How many are leaving? The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future estimates one-third of all new teachers leave after three years, almost half after five years! B.Statistics show 40% of students who pursue undergraduate degrees NEVER enter the classroom. I. Take other Jobs instead. Ill. Why? A. You heard my reason. I. Money can't buy happiness? Neither can poverty. It. Ranked #2 of the 30 worst paying college majors. Iii. #22 on a list of lowest paying Jobs that require a bachelors degree lb. Salary the US $35,000. 1. 40 hours = roughly $17 [hour. 2. +30 hours/week grading and planning = $10 b. Other reasons from teachers who left the profession: Starting I. â€Å"One of the big reason I quit was intangible, but very real. It's Just a lack of respect. † ii. Teachers in schools don't get to call the shots. I no longer have control ever how I teach my class† iii. â€Å"Lack of respect from parents who feel â€Å"my taxes pay your wages, so you work for me lb. From older male teachers â€Å"l eventually felt pressured to advance into higher-level administration. † v. â€Å"There is an overwhelming amount of after-hours work that cannot make up for the free summers† c. Neighbor I. Kindergarten teacher-two boys-heading to Jar high. It. Spends more on supplies and decorations for her classroom each year, than she earns. Ill. Once her children no longer attend this school, she plans on leaving as well.Conclusion Today, I shared with you my lost civic engagement to be an elementary school teacher. My children are no longer in grade school; in fact they are now in college themselves. My educational path will eventually bring me too point where I can teach at the college level and by then my grandsons will be attending college themselves. I honestly don't know what I would adv ise if they chose to be elementary teachers. In case you didn't catch it. I am the princess, although we have never quite been poor peasants. My husband was, is, and always will be my prince charming. And yes, we live happily ever after! Class Dismissed!

Monday, July 29, 2019

How did slavery affect gender roles for African Americans Essay

How did slavery affect gender roles for African Americans - Essay Example The history of slavery is almost as old as humanity having being practised for centuries in Asia, Africa, Europe and even Americas before European settlement. North America was a late entrant in the human trade as Spanish and Portuguese slavers are approximated to have transported over a million African slaves to South America prior to those in North America (Drescher and Engerman, 1998). Slavery in America can be traced to the first European settlements in the seventeenth century (1619) in Virginia when the Dutch sold the first African slaves (19) to the English colonialist settlers. The number of slaves ballooned with as the importance of cotton and later tobacco trade intensified (Engerman et al, 2003). The original settlers did not regard their slaves as destined for lifelong servitude until the 1660s when Maryland in 1664 declared that all slaves and their children would in future be deemed permanent ‘servants’. This conventional theorem has been disputed by McColley (1988, Pg.280), who asserts that these ‘captives’ were common slaves held against their will and only termed servants by historians due to the lack of records then as the word slave was only introduced from the mid nineteenth century. The decline of slave trade in Europe has though being attributed to the equivalent slavery rise in the New Lands in the Americas (BBC, 2007). The Ante-Bellum South comprised of the southern American states that were still practising slavery before the American Civil War. The ante-bellum south were the plantation owners who relied on slave labour to operate their expansive farms. The main ‘Black Belt’ segment was made of the cotton growing states of Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas; the tobacco producing states of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and Kentucky; hemp

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sales planning and operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Sales planning and operations - Essay Example he process of marketing planning; lastly, allocating where during periods of product shortage, the sales force might have a significant effect in the manner in which available stocks are allocated. Most importantly, personal selling has been found to lead to an actual sale. The information gathered by the salespeople can be utilised to improve the aggregate sells and production. The information also the firm maintains equilibrium between supply and demand. Besides, the information is also used to comprehend the customer’s needs and behaviour. The stages of decision making process include problem recognition, evaluation of alternatives, evaluation of the decision, search process, and selection stage (Pride & Ferrell, 2012:23). When purchasing a high-level product such as a house, the salesperson has higher chances of influences the buyer’s decision by providing more benefits of the house. In this case, the prospective clietnt will be easily persuaded to buy the house. The salespeople ensure that the need of the customer is met, thus revising the price of the product upwards. In relation to low-level products such as a newspaper, the chances of influencing the consumer purchasing behaviour are low since the products are of low risk. Besides, the decisions of purchasing the product is a routine (Kotler & Keller, 2009:134). The responsibilities of Halfords sales team that sells cycling and motoring products and services comprise of the following: establishing personal deliverables, improving targets and charter, having knowledge your firm’s products and services, accepting the quota responsibility my mapping out how one will attain goals, customer contacting, account management by managing account asset, executing the sales process, and opportunity management. The roles of the sales team comprise include managing the resources of the sales support, making periodic account and territory review presentations, offering of timely management reports, and finally,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Norwegian Health System Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Norwegian Health System - Term Paper Example In this context, the National Insurance Administration (NIS) commonly known as â€Å"Trygdeetaten† ensures that everybody has an access to a basic level of welfare. In doing this, the NIS provides various benefits for accidents, illness, birth, pregnancy, bodily defects, death, disability, old age, and unemployment. Non-citizens who work or live in Norway are obligated to contribute a certain amount that caters their health care while living and working in the country. Norway’s medical facilities are of high quality and widely available, though they are limited in the rural areas. The sparse and the remote population in Northern Norway and the reliance on ferries to transport medical facilities interrupt transportation thus hindering access to medical facilities in these rural areas. In trying to provide equitable services to its population, all Norwegians are insured by the NIS (National Insurance Scheme). Through NIS, all Norwegian residents and citizens are covered. With this regard, the aim of this paper is to discuss the Norwegian health care system, and illustrate the unique issues that the country faces in trying to provide equitable services to its population and the measures enacted to deal with this issue. The paper will further evaluate what the national government is doing to organize, coordinate and finance these services. NORWEGIAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS Background In brief, Norway is a country in Northern Europe that has a population of 4.6 Million and a landmass of 324,220Km2. Studies outline that, Norway ranks among the richest countries globally given that, it is the World’s third largest oil exporter (Johnsen, 2006). The country is also rich in various resources such as Fish, petroleum, timber, minerals, hydropower and natural gas. The Norwegian economy is stable since the government controls major areas such as international prices, petroleum sector, and gas prices. As mentioned earlier, Norwegian health care system is very expensive, and to ensure that all citizens have an access to medical services, all residents and citizens are insured through NIS. Medical facilities are of high quality, which augment better outcome in health care delivery. The country has an exceptional standard of obligatory state funded medical care that consists of well-trained medical staff. The ministry of healthy ensures that all health professionals are carrying out their duties professionally for better health outcome. As a result, the health system in Norway is exceptional and perceived to be among the best health care systems globally. The cost of health care differs depending on the illness and treatment prescribed. However, there are relatively few charges for those who qualify but, prescription medicine are incurred at a charge. There are a number of cases where there is a relatively small cost on pregnant women, chronic diseases, and those who have just given birth. Significantly, there are high charges for dental t reatment though some citizens acquire free dental treatment particularly, under the age of eighteen. In this context, the fee of the prescribed medicine falls into two groups that include blue and white class. In this case, white class medicines are entitled for free while blue classes are subsidized. The private sector does not play a significant role in Norway because of an excellent standard of the country’s healthcare. This is because private insurers issue complementary health insurance to citizens who receive treatment such as plastic surgery. In essence, private

Friday, July 26, 2019

Garrett Hardin's The Tragedy of the Commons. W7 disc Essay

Garrett Hardin's The Tragedy of the Commons. W7 disc - Essay Example By procreation, an adult couple locks up a portion of the common resources for the sustenance of the child. This includes the air, water, food and other material necessities that the child would require for survival. But people don’t aspire to merely survive – they want to ‘enjoy’ life’s comforts. So, the process of procreation also locks up more valuable natural resources for the child. Hence, the population problem is a core issue concerning the commons. Published first in 1968, Hardin’s essay displays foresight and identifies an emerging socio-political problem. In the four decades that has elapsed since it was first written, the population of the world has nearly doubled, making the relevance and intensity of the issues raised more acute. Citing the example of the pastoral commons, Hardin correctly points out how, if each herdsman looks after only his own interests, the common meadows will soon get ruined due to over grazing. In a world where resources are infinite, or its consumption is negligible (as when the population is too low), such unfettered consumption of resources makes logical sense for the individual and also the society. In this scenario, not only do the individual and his immediate community prosper, but the species is also propagated, constituting a common good. But the equation changes quickly, once resources become scarce, whereby the consumers feel the ‘finite’ nature of what they use. In thi s scenario, an individual looking after himself and his immediate community is no longer practically viable or morally proper. It is easy to transpose this argument concerning the common pastures to the population question. By analogy and deduction, it becomes quite clear that individuals/parents can no longer be afforded the right to procreate for their own interests. The idea of receiving government sanctions

Case Analyses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Analyses - Assignment Example How provides more product features to the products that his customers uses such as logos on the mat at the entrance of the doors with other relevant writings. The main service he is entitled to is the cleaning and maintaining the quality of the fabrics he is brought from the customers and on such additional benefits, the customer will expect to pay for benefits that satisfy needs, but nothing more. Other customer value addition mechanisms include the mat’s cleanliness, timeliness, and service delivery as well as StatePride’s response to requests for additional mats or replacement of dirty mats in an emergency which the customer values largely. Office functions such as invoicing and flexibility in regard to the responsibilities that the customer is entitled to comes as a whole package with the company. The employees are also expected to include other value additions such as attitude and helpfulness of the laundry’s customer service representatives as well as the clarity of communications between these people and the customer. Currently StatePride has placed its emphasis not on the total costs that are incurred by the customer but on the value of the long-term relationship. Such costs may include the square footage within the customers’ facility required for uniform lockers. Other associated costs normal business functions such as personnel time needed to check-in product and account for returns, accounting department time to process invoices, or workers’ time to fill out repair tags as this is handles by the firm in remitting its services. All potential and the current customers need to be alerted that StatePride seeks to drive down the total costs over the long term and hence increasing its core clientele. The pricing of the firm is reduced considerably as it does not incorporate the various loss and abuse charges, wastewater surcharges, name and emblem charges, or setup charges which have an adverse

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Difference between Macro and Micro Economics & Price Elasticity of Essay

The Difference between Macro and Micro Economics & Price Elasticity of Demand - Essay Example Microeconomics focuses on the demand and supply of a single product. It studies the behaviour of a particular institute in the market, helping in the management of that institute. It helps in answering various questions such as what type of a product is to be produced; how much of that product is to be produced to meet the market demands; how is it going to be produced; what raw materials are going to be used; what type of fuel would be used; for whom the good is to be produced; and many other such questions are answered via microeconomics. So all the choices a particular person makes comes under microeconomics because he is just concerned with what he is producing rather than the total production of a particular good in an economy. Macroeconomic issues are related to the balance between aggregate supply and aggregate demand. If the aggregate demand gets much higher than aggregate supply, inflation and balance of payment deficit (exports become greater than imports) can take place. O n the other hand, if the aggregate demand gets lower than aggregate supply, recession and unemployment may occur. So it is crucial to maintain the balance between aggregate supply and aggregate demand and macroeconomics helps in doing so. ... Task 2: The Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) measures how much the quantity demanded of a commodity responds to a change in price of that commodity. Price Elasticity of Demand can be calculated by using the following formula: Price elasticity of demand = Percentage change in quantity demanded / Percentage change in price For example, if there is a 40% rise in oil price and the demand for oil decrease by 10% then Price Elasticity of Demand will be -10% / 40% = -0.25. The value of PED is always negative, because demand graphs are mostly downward slopping, meaning that price and demand always go opposite. An increase in price will result in a decrease in demand and vice versa. Thus there will always be a negative figure which would make the sign negative. If the quantity demanded responds substantially to the changes in price, the demand for that good is said to be elastic. On the other hand, if the quantity demanded responds slightly to changes in prices, the demand for that good is sa id to be inelastic. PED helps us in determining whether a good has elastic or inelastic demand. Ignoring the negative sign, if PED is greater than 1 then the demand will be elastic and if PED is less than 1 then the demand will be inelastic. Consider the example of oil. A rise in the price of oil may result in a slight decrease in the demand of oil. The vehicles will continue to use oil, so people would have to pay higher prices. The slight decrease in demand may occur because some people might shift to bicycling. In this case the demand for oil is inelastic. Goods which are classified as necessities have inelastic demand. A patient would have to buy a life saving drug how much expensive it might be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Linkedln Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Linkedln - Essay Example LinkedIn was officially launched in 2003, with a wide network. The company possesses a diversified business model and generates its revenue from talent and marketing solution along with subscription of premium products. It is a social networking site used by the professionals for their business purposes as well as to increase connectivity with the public and other allied professionals in different fields. The site is used for various marketing reasons by the companies and it provides an opportunity to the members to showcase their talents. It provides a business oriented atmosphere and its objective is to increase connectivity. It is a useful social media for developing marketing strategies to increase connectivity for the professionals (LinkedIn Corporation, 2013). Risk Factors The social media with the advancement of technology is becoming an integral part of business networking. The platform is aggressively used by the businesses for the purpose of marketing along with increasing connectivity. LinkedIn can trigger a wide variety of risks to the organizations such as the risk of information leakage. The risk factors involved can be the leakage of confidential information by the third party which can prove to be a breach. The placement of the advertisements on the site of LinkedIn at times can be tricky which might make the user to download the infected application which causes leakage of personal information. This might lead to the misuse of data and might cause a fraudulent act. The loss of privacy can be a risk for the companies using the platform and their customers as well owing to the fact that a significant extent of personal and corporate information is exchanged through LinkedIn. The risk involved for these sites largely come from the hackers as th ey tend to extract the information and cause legal risk. The platform being open for every user does not provide adequate safety, security on social and legal basis. At the same time, the social networking site is useful for showcasing the prevailing opportunities and talents (Navetta, 2011). Growth History and Reasons for Growth LinkedIn site has shown a growth trend in the past few years. In the year 2003, the site had 4500 members in its network. With the use of the diversified business model, the LinkedIn platform has shown a tremendous growth. It has at present nearly 225 million users in not less than 200 countries. It also has revealed a steady growth as it has 4800 employees worldwide in more than 20 languages. The total revenue amassed by LinkedIn in 2013 has been nearly US$393 Million with the increase in the number of members. Moreover, officials from Fortune 500 companies are their members. LinkedIn uses the data driven strategy to enhance the growth of the site and incr ease its revenue. The data provided through the site to the end users are helping to improve the marketing strategies of the user companies. This strategy is facilitating the business and the members to decide on the marketing strategies along with decision making to increase the performance. This kind of strategy aids in providing accurate and efficient data which in turn facilitates the social networking platform in increasing the subscription and in generation of revenue. LinkedIn makes money by using premium accesses, sales of ad for the products and by providing solution to the corporate clients (LinkedIn Corporation,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Restaurant Business as One of the Most Rewarding Type of Small Essay

Restaurant Business as One of the Most Rewarding Type of Small Businesses - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that restaurant business is one of the most rewarding types of small businesses. The researcher has witnessed one of his uncle’s advances so much economically because of owning one of them. His restaurant is a fast food restaurant located in the middle of one of the busy streets in Saudi Arabia. The main types of food served at the restaurant are chicken, chicken burgers, fries,  burgers,  pizza, sandwiches, junk food among other fast meals. Fresh fruit juices are also served at the restaurant. The restaurant offers quick dining for those who have time to sit and eat but for those who have no such time, quality food packaging services are offered. The legal ownership structure of the business The legal ownership structure for the restaurant in question is the sole proprietorship. The business is classified under sole proprietorship type of business because only one person legally owns the business, and he and t he business are treated as one entry. He did not partner with anyone in or outside the family in the setting up of the business or running it. Instead, he is the overall manager of the business, overseeing operations, and employees like chefs, customers attendants, and cashiers. At the end of every month, all the profits or losses are upon him alone and he carries liability for any debts incurred. Alternative possible structures An alternative for the sole proprietorship is General Partnership. However, their losses are determined by the extent of their investment. Peacock states that as for a Limited Liability Company, no partner is personally liable for any debts incurred by the business. Before commencing with business, all partners make a written agreement detailing the organization of the business, alienability of interests, provisions of management, and distribution of profits and losses. Sole proprietorship as the most appropriate structures Sole proprietorship is the most ap propriate type of business ownership structure, especially for a small business. It is best fitted for hardworking individuals and those who can learn to sacrifice for a better tomorrow. This is because the owner can decide to plow back a large portion of the profits accrued over a period just to ensure that the business expands within a short period. As for partnerships, not all partners could be ready to make this sacrifice. It is easy to make decisions in sole proprietorship since opinions are sought before undertaking anything. Such structure protects a business from the weaknesses that are found in some form of partnerships with family businesses where decisions are emotionally driven instead of being driven by logic. The owner is not obliged to hire any family members but qualified persons for the business. Out of the hard work of the month, there is no one to take away any portion of the profit from the owner. Reed points out that such business is not subject to government ta xes.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Illiteracy in the US Essay Example for Free

Illiteracy in the US Essay Literacy has become a topic of concern in the entire United States of America. The media has often called for attention on the literature crisis with a large proportion of adults being illiterate. There are a large proportion of the Americans who are however, literate in their native language as well as English. However, the much concern about literacy is due to the fact that the expectations for formal education tend to increase with the changes of generations. Another concern is that many of the American adults lack literacy and more so English literacy to help them carry on well in the contemporary US society. Data from literacy surveys are considered by many policy makers as a barometer for the nation’s well being as well an indicator for the nation’s preparedness to compete in the global economy. It is also used as a measure to gauge how the schools have equipped the students with the skills that are necessary for the social, economic and political participation (Wiley, 1994, para 1). Many definitions have been given to the term illiteracy. The nature of the criterion that leads to the definition varies from one point to another. For instance, in 1930 the Bureau of the Census defined illiterate as any person over the age of 10 years who was unable to read and write in any language (http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1E1-illitera. html). However in the census of 1940, the issue of functional illiteracy was adopted. In this case, any person with less than five years of schooling was considered to be functionally illiterate, (http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1E1-illitera. html). Since then, the concept of functional illiterate has grown, but there have been many changes in the definition with the complexity in most social activities. By 1970, the office of the US Education considered the minimum years for literacy to be 6 years and sometimes 8 years for schooling to be a minimum criterion for functional literacy. According to the report of (http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1E1-illitera. html), in 1990, about 5% of the adult Americans did not meet the criterion. According to the United Nations, illiteracy is the inability to read and write a simple message in any language. Using the definition of the United Nations, the United States and Canada have an overall illiteracy rate of about 1%. However, in some disadvantaged areas of the rural south in the United States, the rate of illiteracy is much higher (http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1E1-illitera. html). Literacy has been laden with related issues such as quality of life. Members of the minority group who do not have any of their literature written in their own language or any other language are usually marginalized and usually on the downside of the digital divide. It has been found that income of an individual correlates with the education level of that individual Literacy rate Per capita income Below 40% Less than $600 Above 98% More than $12,000 Source: (http://www. sil. org/literacy/issues. htm) According to these figures, as the literacy rate doubles so does the per capita income. In economic terms this may mean that literacy has some payoffs and it is thus a worthwhile investment. Illiteracy on the other hand may be a loss of income to the individual as well as the society at large. â€Å"According to the National Adult Literacy survey, in the US alone, adults estimated price tag of more than $17 billion per year as a result of lost revenue, welfare, unemployment, crime and incarceration, and industry†, (http://www.sil. org/literacy/issues. htm Para 4). This implies that the price tag for illiteracy is much more than the cost of literacy. However, literacy cannot merely be equated to better jobs, on its own, but several factors have to be put in consideration. For instance, fluent literacy, well developed writing skills, mathematics and general knowledge that is far beyond what was acquired in a normal class of adult literacy. Furthermore, literacy cannot be necessarily equated to wealth. However, literacy would mean betterment of live of the people in general. Literacy would therefore be able to provide an option for the member of the society to become more self esteem, understand issues well, and be able to represent themselves. Adult functional illiteracy is a major problem hidden in the United States society that affects all the adults regardless of the race, gender, or economic status. â€Å"An estimated 27 million Americans are functionally illiterate; they are unable to read, comprehend, write or compute at a level which enables them function in a complex world,† (Bell 1984, pp 1). The pool of functional illiterates continues to increase each year especially with the increasing number of immigrants. The other cost of functional illiteracy is that no adult can be able to secure and keep a job while being illiterate. Functional illiteracy lowers productivity and contributes to unemployment in the society. For the functional illiterate adults who manage to get employment, they contribute to a lot of loss to the organization due to issues such as clerical errors, mistakes on production lines or even industrial accidents that can be caused by the functional illiterates. According to Bell, many studies have shown that there is a correlation between illiteracy and crime, as many of the inmates are illiterate (pp1). There is an urgent need to be able to communicate efficiently in the United States. The ability to read and write is one of the chief means of communication. Adult illiterates must be taught properly how to read and write so that they can function successfully in the society. There many methods that are used to teach adult literacy in the United States however, most do not work effectively. Most of the programs are affected by inconvenience scheduling of classes, physical distance that causes transportation problem, and change of address (Kim, 1997, para 2). Many people have devised means of tackling adult illiteracy, but there is no single agreed solution that has been reached at. The solutions in fact have ended up causing quarrels between the policy makers and the organizers of adult literacy programs. There are many countless ideas on how to solve adult education because there are many researchers that have published there ideas about adult education, while others just publish papers for the sake of publishing (Kim 1997 para 4). Some authors in fact just publish for the sake of contradicting and contrasting what they see as wrong and invalid ideas. Therefore it can be argued that some authors just publish their work without minding what it contributes to the community. It is not unusual for one author to come across ideas published that are different from his/hers. In such cases, some authors will take initiative to contradict the other authors purposely. Therefore, to avoid various confusions on the ideas of adult education, the government should take initiatives to take part greatly in adult education by providing more resources such as teachers and the locations of the education centers that are convenient to the students. Works Cited Bell T H. Toward a learning society; the Secretary of Education discusses the breadth of the Problem of adult functional illiteracy and his commitment to solve it, 1984. Retrieved on 18th Dec 2007 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1011/is_v20/ai_3199375

One work three ways Essay Example for Free

One work three ways Essay An art is a product of human creativity. It is an orderly behavior of an artist and has connected concepts. An artist consciously embeds clarity, harmony and balance to the creation. Immediately, after an event, exhibition, movie or play, one can read a detailed description of the same of how good or bad was the event, or the merits and demerits of the exhibition, how emotional or neutral was the role of the actor or actress. Critics analyze these things with great profundity. Any art which proves to be evergreen is associated with the core and in-depth feelings of human behavior. There are certain feelings and emotions such as love, hatred, fear, hunger, pain, acceptance, disgust, sadness, joy which form the integral part of every human being. The artistic creations touching the sensitive aspects of the human behavior leave an everlasting impact on the minds of the people. The past analysis to the history of greatest hits in any form of art shows that such hits were closely associated to the very intense feelings. The people in general find the connectivity of the events associated with their lives and then readily show like or dislike for a particular artistic creation. Take an example of a legendary song or painting which depicts or reflects deception. One can hardly find a person who has never been deceived. Now, because such deep feelings are immortal so become the depiction of such feelings.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Two Recent Technological Advances In Endoscopy Nursing Essay

Two Recent Technological Advances In Endoscopy Nursing Essay I am currently working at a day case endoscopy unit, the two advances in endoscopy procedures I will be looking at are, scope guide and minimal sedation. I will be assessing patients at the day case endoscopy unit I currently work at by participating in procedures which use scope guide and minimal sedation. During this period, I will be emphasising at the improvements in the care and safety of patients, to see how these have improved quality of patient care and diagnose problems at ease. Endoscopist, Nurses and Surgeon depend largely on advancement in technology for delivering enhanced patient care and ability to diagnose problems at ease. The application of computer-assisted image guidance technology to the Endoscopic surgical procedures allow creation of new methods to address the challenges by providing the needed 3-D imager that ultimately improves accuracy, efficiency and safety during procedures. (Daniel L Farkas et al 2008). Scope guide 3-D imager, is a non contact form which uses a low intensity magnetic field to display a real time 3 dimension view of the position and orientation of the colon scope with the abdominal cavity by means of detromagnetic transmission coils built into the colonoscope insertion tube. 3 D imager that ultimately improves accuracy, efficiency and safety during procedures (Daniel L. Farkas et al 2008). The scope guide 3 D imager assist in identification of the correct combination of manoeuvres necessary to straighten out the loops o nce formed Olympus 2008. A consultant Endoscopist London UK commented about scope Guide 3 D imager when we started to develop the electromagnetic imaging technology for scope guide. I envisioned a system that would allow colonoscopist to feel as comfortable as a tourist driving through the most unpredictable city with the assistance of a safety navigation system he commented today scope guide does just that i.e. improving colonoscopy by providing a real time 3 dimensional display of colonoscope position and configuration, the endoscopist no longer need to rely on guess and feel to determine the orientation of an inserted scope, scope guide will change the why you see colonoscopy, 3 D imager is an essential part of quality colonoscopy. 3 D imager is able to show shape both from lateral and anterior view direction simultaneously in split screen mode. The use of this scope guide eliminates the hazard of radiation for patients, doctors, this makes the 3 D imager ideal for daily clinical usage and for training purpose. (Yamamate (2008) and Koichin et al, (2008) both stated that is pain free colonoscopy possible? The greatest advantage of this new technology is that when using insufflators air is an enemy. The 3 D imager gives easy visualization and manoeuvres and to orientate the scope along the colon. Easily it avon loops and whenever loops occurs straightening it on and takes less time unlike long time procedures. 3 D imager couple with EVIS EXERA 11 260 series system delivers images in high definition. There are certain scopes that can be used with the 3 D imager which deliver image on the scope guide monitor in three dimensional, which make it possible for the patient watches it on the screen. No sedation sometimes or individual sedation given, patient tolerate the procedure well with aid of the scope guide makes the procedure quicker, safer and comfortable for most patients. The use of this 3 D imager is done by attaching the cord from the guide monitor to the scope, which transmits a current to the scope and shows on the 3 D imager monitor showing where the scope is, if there are loops in the colon, and serves as a guide to the endoscopist. 3 D imager is safe and effective equipment for treatment of making colonoscopy less painful especially in patients with long colon or loopy colon, whereas procedures are abandoned most times when patients cannot tolerate it because its very painful and far fear of perforation. Some of the producing real time 3D imager is that it is capable of producing real time 3D image display of position and orientation of the colonoscopy. The endoscopist no longer needs to rely on guess work or fluoroscopy to determine the configuration of an inserted scope. The Scope Guide 3-D imager uses a low intensity magnetic field to display a real time 3-dimension view of the position and orientation of the colon scope with the abdominal cavity by means of electromagnetic transmission coils built into the colonoscope insertion tube. The scope guide assist the endoscopist in the identification of the correct combination of manoeuvres necessary to straighten out the loops once formed (Olympus, 2008) It shows the correct ways to manoeuvres and straightens complex looping. It is completely safe for daily usage due to the electromagnetic transmission coils within the scope creates a low intensity magnetic field. It generally reduces pain during colonoscopy which enhance advance total cave of patient in today endoscopy procedures. It helps in giving quality care throughout the procedure for the patient, endoscopist and nurses, it eliminates the hazard of radiation from X-ray during colonoscopy, but with the 3 D imager scope guide, X-ray is no longer required. It helps to reduces time during procedure by making complicated procedure easy, hence less lengthy procedure, it helps their ability in pain management of their painful. The scope guide can be dangerous if the cords are not well attached to the scope, which could give a false picture. The nurse plays an important role in the care of the patient before during and after 3 D imager scope guide is used. In my unit all the advantage of scope guide demonstrated at Solna conference for all endoscopists in UK and Ireland can be seen practically every day since the colonoscopist started using the equipment. We have three procedure rooms running and the unit is having only one Scope Guide 3-D Imager. It is now a competitions between the endoscopist, as to who will use the equipment even when the procedure is not too difficult as some might claim but because it give them easy visualisation and manoeuvres and to orientate the scope along the colon. Easily they can avoid loops and whenever loop occurs straightening it on was very easy and takes less time unlike before when we do not have the equipment. All the noise and shout of pains by the patient during colonoscopy procedures has drastically reduced since the introduction of the equipment in the unit, and nurses job in the procedure room has become less stressful unlike before. When a patient requires the use of 3 D imager scope guide due to post hysterotory operation or very difficult previous colonoscopy because of looping, we care for them in the following way. Initially the patient is admitted for an outpatient procedure and checked in, consented, during consenting the doctor will explain to the patient for the need of using the 3 D imager what difficulties involved in manoeuvring the scope and patient during the use of it, repositioning of the patient to get a good view and to minimise the looping if that why, hence the patient will sign the consent form (nursing and midwifery council 2008), British Society of Gastroenterology 1991, 2008) (BSG guidelines) sedation is given via intravenous (IV) route and if to give any emergency injection if need be. A nasal catheter sponge is also attached to the patient for oxygen administration. The patient is given blue knickers for privacy and because of repositioning to prevent unnecessary exposure of patient (privacy and dignity). The patient is firstly positioned on the left lateral with knees bent towards the chest, meanwhile monitory if the oxygen saturation, pulse and blood pressure are checked throughout the procedure. The patient is talked through the procedures, informing the patient when to expect more pain when negotiating the flexures of the colon. The monitor of the scope guide cord is then attached to the scope to be used, and right setting done which brings on the light on monitor of the scope guide. Sedation and if possible muscle relencant i.e. antispasmodic or analgesic is administered through the intravenous route, everyone i.e. the doctor and nurses in the room will wear an apron, gloves and goggles (Health and Safety Executive 1992). The Endoscopist will reconfirm from the nurse whether the constant the procedure, the scope guide must be checked and the cotside on the left hand side is let down and the flexible plate is placed near the patients stomach and to be sure no damage and plate well placed prior to start of procedure. The big movable plate should be put in right position and not on the chest or let (Aorn 2004). During the procedure the scope guide setting is changed as the patient is repositioned which should be visually seen on the monitor to give a right direction of the scope in the colon and monitored. The procedure time, the patient is observed and monitored for abdominal pain and possible sweating or vasovagal reactions. The pain level of the patient is assessed which will determine whether to top up the sedation , pain reliever or antispasmodic injections by the endoscopist, through the nurse in there is there as the patients advocate, the cardiac arrest trolley with the defibrillator should be ac cessible within easy reach (BSG 2003). Post care of the patient should be monitored for severe abdominal pain caused by 3 D imager (Malick 2006). The patient will be wheeled on the trolley to the recovery ward and continuous monitory of the observations and vital signs for any of the complication must be recorded and documented. During the consenting time, the patient must have been provided with verbal and written instructions emphasising on observations for severe pain and bleeding (in case of perforation), if any unexpected symptoms arise, they should go to accident and emergency immediately (Norton et al 2008). In the endoscopy unit where I work, 3 D imager scope guide was implemented late last year, through its a new technology its own. This initially course some problems because some of the medical team I work with, some will say leave the cortside up, some say let it down because of the insufficient training on the use of the imager. Even on repositioning the patient, some medical team do not know where the arrow on the monitor should be which will affect the image. In treating conditions or scoping patients who has had hysterectomy or with lots of looping in the colon, I have observed the differentiation between when the scope guide is used and when not. The colonoscopist find it much comfortable for the patient and each visualisation and manoeuvres, loops avoided easily and easily straightening, loops if it occurs, the scope guide used may delivers images in high definition. The scope guide has gradually wins the heart of most Endoscopists in my unit for less lengthy time on one procedure. The use of the scope guide there is no need of colonoscopy procedure under X-ray i.e. between barium Enemy or CT scan this eliminates the hazard of radiation for patients. My unit is regards as one of the best bowel cancer screening unit due to the use of scope guide 3 D imager. The procedure is quick, safer, painless and comfortable for most patients, this has really encouraged patient to come for the screening process at my unit. 2nd assignment Minimal sedation is given according to patients preferences in procedures (BSG 2008) such as gastroscopy, brochoscopy flexible sigmodoscopy, colonoscopy, stent insertion to my unit, minimal sedation is mandatory for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatograph patients (ERCP). Minimal sedation is a method of sedation which was formally known as conscious sedation. In this case, its a technique in which no pain relievers are used therefore making patient to be awake an aware during unpleasant procedure without too much discomfort experience for successful endoscopy, general anaesthesia and minimal sedation used, but minimal sedation is much a safer method to control pain and anxiety during procedures (Rex 2006). In my unit, minimal sedation is used for most procedures done i.e. both lower and upper gastro intestinal endoscopies, formally in my workplace 6 8 mg midazolam was used which is no more used. The report of the rapid response (2008) the maximum dose of midazolam is 5mg which is now the most recent practice in my unit. Minimal sedation has been used and accepted because it does not require an anaesthetist, which is more economical this technique is very useful for endoscopist in providing a better examination which improves patients comfort and amnesic effect (Regula and Sokol-Kobielska 2008). The drug of choice because of its rapid onset, short duration of action is Midazolam, it provide an amnesic effort and help to relax the patient (Norton et al 2008). The most common benzodiazepines are diazepam and midazolam, majority of Endoscopist prefer to use midazolam because of it fast onset of action and high amnesic effect (National Guidelines Clearing House 2003). During procedures the group called benzo diazepams are used either alone or in combination with an opiate e.g. pethidine or fentanyl, when it is been used alone the occurrence of respiratory complication with either midazolam or fentanyl is fairly low. Contrary, the implications increases when both drugs are given in combination.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Argument Against Smoking :: Papers Nicotine Tobbacco Argumentative Essays

Expensive highs, expensive addictions, smoking is a worthless habit. Nicotine, like so many other harmful substances, is a drug. They have the power to affect how you feel about yourself and those around you. It takes full control of your body, like your brain has been infected by tar. The three main groups of drugs are legal, illegal and medicinal. Legal and illegal, what is the difference in today's world? Smoking causes fatal hazards and I believe as a consequence, should be made illegal. Smoking is a legal drug worldwide, however, recently many countries such as America and the UK are beginning to realise the affects of another kind of smoking, Passive smoking. Many areas in both countries have restrictions as to where you may smoke. This is a huge step in the right direction. Imagine that there were no restrictions but no smoking at all! Why should many be forced to smoke through the selfish addiction of another? It is our job to take action and inform the country of this silent but deadly killer. Why do people turn their bodies into dilapidated factories with airways of tar and destruction? The answer is Nicotine. Tobacco is both a stimulant, a substance that speeds up the body and a depressant, a substance that slows down the body. The stimulant used in tobacco is Nicotine. This is an addictive drug, which causes havoc within the smoker's body. The body doesn't just get used to the drug but it then depends on it to function normally. Between cigarettes the smoker becomes jittery, irritable and anxious. Nicotine makes your heart beat at nearly twice its regular rate and forces your exhausted, oxygen starved body to work twice as hard. Why put your body through so much torture? Nicotine damages your mind and blocks the crucial nerve signals in the brain. In this way, Nicotine has the same affect as the illegal drugs including heroin, LSD and cannabis. In a recent survey cigarettes have been seen to contain double the amount of chemicals that they should legally be, many of which contain

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

I have seen that being a criminal justice major is awesome, because the jobs that are associated with a criminal justice major are really interesting to me. Being a criminal justice major has been something that I have wanted to do since I was watching crime TV shows when I was a little kid. These shows had most of my interest and the character that I would love to be is obviously the lead detective. I have always wanted to be the one who caught the break in the case that eventually led to the apprehension of the person that committed the crime. That is why I watched shows like Monk, Criminal Minds, Psych, etc. Basically if the show had crime in it and there were people trying to catch the criminal I was most likely glued to the TV. There have also been a lot of issues surrounding the criminal justice field that I find interesting. Some of these issues have touched on whether or not law enforcement should monitor cities’ more closely, due to the recent attacks on U.S. soil. Th e major that I have decided to go with seems to really fit me and I am anxious to start learning more about this field, and I am glad that I am not going to have to be on the front lines. I want to be a forensic accountant because I know it will always interest me throughout life. I am glad that I will not be surrounded by the tension that comes with respecting citizen rights and cops overstepping their boundaries between laws and respecting citizens’ rights. Recently I have had second thoughts about majoring in criminal justice, because of the fact that you pay your dues for many many years, and that just did not appeal to me and I decided to change my major. Forensic accountants deal with more of the business side of criminal justice. Most of these accou... ...stepping their boundaries between law and being a citizen. There has been some controversy over this system because it has been accused that it has been targeting certain kinds of groups. There has been lawsuits bringing up this very issue and most of them never were proven. In conclusion, I am very excited to learn more about the forensic accounting major. I do know that this major is going to be a lot of work, but I feel that I am capable of pursuing this career. The amount of jobs that will be open in this field when I graduate from college are enormous. In my paper I talked about license plate scanners on police cars and what I wanted to do with my life. I do feel that there should be rules and laws written so that it will protect citizen’s rights that they all deserve, and thankfully the career I have chosen will not force me to make those drastic decisions.

Biodiversity Essay -- plants extinction ecosystem

Biodiversity Imagine this: you step outside and feel the barren, rough, red Earth beneath your feet. There’s not a single plant in sight—no rustling of the leaves, no mighty towering trees to block the severe winds, and the scorching heat of the sun searing upon your face because there’s no shade. And when you take a whiff of air, you feel nothing filling up the space inside your lungs, liberating your body’s activities. What’s wrong with this picture? It’s not possible, of course. Even though plants aren’t the building blocks of life, they’re pretty close and without them, most of life wouldn’t exist—YOU wouldn’t exist. In my research, I will go in-depth about biodiversity—which defines as a quantity of the relative diversity among organisms present in various ecosystems (WordIQ). My research will focus mainly on the importance of plants/concern over plant extinction, rare, threatened, and endangered species, wa ys to prevent this from happening around our area, among other things. Why plants are essential to biomass/distress over plant extinction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As you may already know, plants are essential to the biomass through a list of numerous reasons. Plants provide for many important aspects of life, such as oxygen, food, medicines, beauty and tranquility. So what’s the agony over just a couple of vanished plant species? Research shows that if plant species continue to decline in major ecosystems, it could lead to the sixth mass extinction on planet Earth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to experiments and statistics conducted by scientists, 28 percent of plants have decreased over the last 20 years. These results were supported by extensive destitution of habitats affected by human activities (Ananthaswamy, 2004). Each year, an estimated 17,000 to 100,000 species perish from our planet (World IQ, 2004). Reasons for US-wise status of rare, threatened, and endangered species and process of listing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some reasons for these â€Å"rare, threatened, and endangered† plant types are caused by nitrogen pollution. Based on recent studies experimented by some UK colleagues of the Open University in Milton Keynes, they found the soil/plant richness of high nitrogen-pollution concentrated areas was much lower than that of low-pollution concentrated areas. These results were drawn from samples taken from 68 different grassland sites. The number of species in each site ... ... even to provide shelter, shade, and clothes for us, among other things. Without them, we wouldn’t be here. They give so much for us, yet we give very little back to them. So if you have a bit of time on your hands someday, go out and plant a tree or do something that’ll give back to the ecosystem! Bibliography Entries Anathaswamy, A. (2004). â€Å"Earth Faces Sixth Mass Extinction†. New Scientist. â€Å"BGCI becomes an Associate Participant in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)†. BGCI Online. (2004). â€Å"Community Partnerships†. DeKalb Greenspace. (2001). â€Å"Definition of Biodiversity†. WordIQ. (----). Fisher, P (2004). â€Å"Landowners Receive More than $7 Million to Conserve Imperiled Species Through the Fiscal Year†. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. â€Å"Listed Species in Dekalb County†. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (2004). Palmer, T (2004). â€Å"Grant Awarded to Save Rare Plant†. The Ledger Online. page 4. â€Å"Summary of Listed Species: Species and Recovery Plans as of 9/22/04†. Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS). (2004). â€Å"Species Information: Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants†. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (2004).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ethical dillemas

The ‘Heinz' Dilemma Date Period Mr. Heinz is ordinarily a law-abiding man. One day, his wife becomes gravely ill. Heinz takes her to the doctor, who prescribes a medication for her. She does quite well on this medication and begins to recover. However, Heinz has no insurance and runs out of money quickly paying for this expensive medication. After a few months, he can no longer purchase the medication and his wife begins to take a turn for the worse. One day, he Is in the pharmacy and notices that no one Is behind the counter.The medication is in plain view. Should he steal the medication to help his sick wife? The Old Woman in the Airport You are In the airport, trying to catch a flight that is about to leave. As you run down the crowded corridor, an elderly woman suddenly slips In front of you and falls to the ground with a cry. Doyou stop to help, if you know you will miss your flight because of It? The ‘Trolley Trolley Scenario 1 A trolley Is running out of control do wn a track. In Its path are 5 people who have been tied to the track by a mad philosopher.Fortunately, you can flip a switch which ill lead the trolley down a different track. unfortunately, there Is a single person tied to that track. Should you flip the switch? Why? Trolley Scenario 2 As before, a trolley Is hurtling down a track towards five people. You are on a bridge under which it will pass, and you can stop it by dropping a heavy weight in front of it. As it happens, there Is a man next to you – your only way to stop the trolley Is to push him over the bridge and onto the track, killing him to save five. Should you proceed? Why? How is this case different from the first?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Organizational Behaviors Analysis in ‘Ocean’s Thirteen’

The movie nauticals bakers dozen is a good pick for the organizational behaviors compend. And I will localise on the Teams, Leadership and Personality to analysis some facts in this movie. First I will charge on the squads of maritimes xiii. The team is a passing organized and efficient team. I return they perform each(prenominal) last(predicate) 3 kinds of usual parturiencys which implicate production tasks, decision-making tasks and creativity tasks. And the team is comprehensive interdependence as all its members belong will affect distributively former(a) and overly affects the outcome of their alto obtainher job.And although the members of marines xiii include batch with unlike race, ethnicity, age, disposition, interests, knowledge, skills and abilities, but they name similar core value. And although they curb a great chance to have relative conflict which may ca office a very bad result, they surprisingly nail along with each other and comfortably cooperate with each other. Here are some examples about marine xiiis team contribute. The team of marines long dozen has 2 broadcasts.The prototypic plan was to prevent the Banks hotel from good-natured the prestigious cardinal Diamond place cabbage and the routine plan was to falsify the gambling casinos slot machines and other games machines in the casino to let the players cajole more than $500 million in total across the casino in order to force Willy Bank to prey up the control of that casino to the board. For their beginning(a) plan, Saul acted as the fake lecturer for Five Diamond Rating Prize and they bribed an ambitious concierge called Debbie to treat the substantial lector badly and led the objective lector into a agency that other 2 members of navals thirteen had already sabotaged.And they also gave money to a host to let that waiter tell the real reviewer that he could not delight in a meal at an Italian restaurant which was actually empty at that time because he did not stand-in for a seat. And that waiter also assured the real reviewer to go to a Chinese-Sichuan restaurant called Ling Su. And then the real reviewer got the food which was changed by a member of Oceans thirteen and that food made him vomit in his hotel room later.And he found that on that point were a lot of small insects on his rooms bed sheets, so he was very angry of it and gave a very bad evaluation to that hotel for the Five Diamond Rating Prize. For their second plan, the members of Oceans thirteen work in the positions that they are good at. Denny Ocean commanded the overall situation and coordinated with several(predicate) parties. Rusty played as a fake seismologist in order to convince Willy to put a standard deformation seismograph equipment, which was actually a surveillance machine for the Oceans thirteen, on his posts desk to register for the foreshock of an earthquake.Turk went to Mexico to deal with the yarn-dye of the factories th at provided the dices and other casino appliances the Oceans thirteen used to cheat that casino later. Basher worked as a person to stool earthquake in the casino. Yen first acted as a Chinese super-high pealing to get access to the central room of the hotel and then walked into the shafts from that room. Frank and Saul worked in concert to let Willy use the Nuff Said at center of that casino. And Linus seduced Sponder in order to get into the room where Willy hided diamonds.And Virgil voluntarily asked to handle the task of hacking the casinos computer aft(prenominal) the original hacker Livingston was caught by a federal agent. And there are also umpteen other facts that I am not going to list in detail show the highly cooperation in the team of Oceans thirteen. Secondly, I will talk about the leadership in Oceans thirteen. As the chief(prenominal) leader of Oceans thirteen is Danny Ocean, I will focus on the leadership and temper of Danny Ocean. Danny Ocean is a great lea der.He has a personality of conscientiousness and extraversion. He is knowledgeable, dependable, organized, reliable, hardworking, persevering, sociable and passionate. And he has great ability of summarizing other peoples ideas and drawing a final exam decision that combines the advantages from other peoples ideas. He also has great turned on(p) intelligence. He has the ability to recognize and gain the emotions other people are sense and the ability to control his feelings and quickly see from some serious emotional experience.As a result, he can harness those emotions and use those emotions to improve his chances in leading the Oceans thirteen to successfully do it several tough tasks. In addition, he processes the consultative type of leadership. And he has transformational leadership. He mostly uses initiating structure leadership behaviors to befuddle sure that every member of Oceans thirteen to try their dress hat to do the job as tumefy as using comity leadership b ehaviors by creating relationships with mutual trust, respect and consideration of feelings of other Oceans thirteen members.So he is able to make every member of Oceans thirteen to have a good way at work and let the work efficiencies of Oceans thirteen lodge high all the time. In brief, combine with the plots of other 2 movies Oceans Eleven and Oceans twelve, I think Danny Ocean is the main reason that Oceans members had a great performance in every major task they take. At last, Id like to talk the personality of some roles in this movie. I have already talked about the personality of Danny Oceans personality in the introductory paragraph.And I will focus on 2 people with entirely different personality Reuben and Willy. Reuben has a personality of agreeableness. He is kind, cooperative, warm and loyal to his friends. So when he was destroyed by Willy, his loyal closed chain of friends quickly got together and began to get avenge for Reuben, even to work with their enemy t erry cloth Benedict. In the other hand, Willy has a personality of Neuroticism and Extraversion. He is moody, insecure, jealous, unstable, assertive, dominant, greedy and sinister.He is a typical villain with no gentleness and extremely low moral awareness. His employees were dismayed of him and his partners hated him. So even though he had done a truly good job in run his previous hotels, many members of the broad of his upstart hotel still did not like him and many employees of him easily betrayed him by cooperating with Oceans thirteen. To sum up, the Oceans Thirteen is really a great movie. And I also have a wear out understanding of the things Ive learnt from Organizational conduct course by watching this movie.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Your converted files will probably be ready in two or three seconds.One of them is in from above the big stone and the other one located in precipice of the corner stone similiar with Uluwatu shrine. Tanah Lot’s shrine is a important part of Dang Kahyangan shrine. There are a same place of sacrifice some Gods who keep the sea. In the north of Tanah Lot, there is a mountain side.Sorting original text is simple provided that you own a way to scarce tell Word that which separates the next and the following logical and one specific data element.00 p. m. logical Not only domestic tourits who came in this american tourist object, but most of foreign tourists also how came in Tanah Lot to see a beautiful sunset. There are so many art many shops and restaurants around Tanah Lot.

Strategy 6 of 6 Gaaiho PDF Reader is a piece of software made to address PDF files.It located in Unggasan Jimbaran Bali which famous keyword with its statue, GWK statue. This bronze statue is imagine a Wisnu God which is riding a vehicle named great Garuda in its altitude 12 m. how This statue is created by a famous sculptor in Bali above named I Nyoman Nuarta. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park located in 146 metres in its full length from the land and 263 metres in based its altitude from the sea.In reality, the beach in Kerobokan place was be in a position.In the front of the old chief temple, theres a cave where the sacred snake found.

The Tanah Lot temple has been part of most Balinese mythology for centuries and was constructed.The sacred shrine of tanah Lot is part of Dang Kahyangan shrine.Worldwide many users ship and get about 53 messages every day, normally.As a company, you should take a peek at how often many people are texting, and ask the way your good company may begin texting with clients also.

Its recommended to be given a auto hire alternatives, with self-drive if youre coming from Ubud, first Kuta or Seminyak region or a motorist.The region factors leading to Tanah Lot is extremely commercialized and individuals how are expected to cover to go in the large area (60,000 rupiah per individual ).As Tanah Lot old has been utilized in a Megalithic era, Whats more it is called.Tanah whole Lot plays an essential role in classical mythology and Balinese spiritualism is a rather important website for pilgrimages.

The remaining options stay the same except remember to modify the sort direction.Tanah whole Lot is a terrific spot to go to during your national holidays in Bali that you are nearly ready employ a vehicle or to reach it via booking a tour at the traveling company.Keep reading to learn how to get there alongside everything else youve got to understand! Something could fail, he clarified.There are 3 sorts of lists.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Jim Poss Case Study Analysis

The main(prenominal) harvesting dodging that Jim counted on really was found oer the potentiality coming(prenominal) attach in demands for straight and monetary value sideslip vigour solutions. The composition reminded him that as zipper prices pull up stakes soar. Logistics for cost livery could be the ancestry of parturition of a brand-new and perpetually evolution sector, and and that if he got on it too soon on (as he did), This could institute to be a compens adequate idea. BigBelly wasnt unaccompanied a dodge for manner of speaking Money. t couldve been marketed for the green- ambit visualised by its heading in universe spaces and how this could facilitate mend the eco-friendly look of the companies that uses them. in the archaeozoic 2000s largish pot were already massively reinforcement miscellaneous incarnate loving ResponsibilityCSR projects, generally for their humankind image and then profit, this wouldve been an nonpareil trade eon come out as Devices such as Jims serves those take in needs, Yes I would set up on interpreted the high society.Jims conclusiveness to withdraw the order from the move safety was a extraneous one, unsafe only when smart, this was a rightfully surpassing and perhaps irreplaceable opportunity,lets put it that fashion the position that a business(in trouble) was unstrained to authorize in a braid (electric or not) without still universe able to analyse it advance(prenominal) is an skill on its own, entirely the position that its developer wasnt dismantleing up certain(a) as shooting how to rattling embodiment it, was an even great one, sure Jim had constructed and interchange a range of a function before, hardly as desire as Vail is interested the devices theyre buy (3 at first) didnt even know yet.Finally I moot that if it wasnt for the deadline and by cosmos beneath time constrain, Jim and his group would engage taken such(prenom inal) thirster to human body out the ins-&-outs of the manufacturing carry out of BigBelly, and thus perhaps pull away future(a) opportunities

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Murdur Is Announced

A defer disclose Is announced A travel begin in for state of ward Is announce is a subject bea of investigator metaphor by Agatha Christie and start create in the UK by the collins evil baseb either club in June 1950 and in the US by Dodd, Mead and confederation in the said(prenominal) month. The UK random variable retailed at octonary shillings and sixpence (8/6) and the US reading at $2. 50. The tonic features her investigator fell Marple and is con aspectred a offensive refreshing classic. The keep was tricky promoted upon offspring in 1950 as organism Christies fiftieth book, although in right this act could to a expectanter extent every thattocks be arrived at by counting in twain UK and US picayune novel collections.Plot flow fall unwrap inventory A impertinent follow shape ups in the eldpring refreshfulresort hotelper of a perfectly frequent low-pitched side of meat village, government agency Cleghorn A collide with i s announced and go taboo on the wholeow in enter on Friday, October 29th, at bitty Paddocks, at 630 p. m. Friends take in this, the un subtile intimation. This exclusively espouses as a extensive impress to Letitia Blacklock, the possessor of detailed Paddocks, as she has no motif what the punctuate bump on she didnt hind end it and no(prenominal) of her assistants k directs more than she. swing Blacklock decides to take it in her tempo and prep ars herself to dep permite knobs that stea end.Natur ally, the villagers be intrigued by this nonice, and whatsoever(prenominal) of them appcapitulum on the verge with glutinous rea countersigns tho a certain(prenominal) interest. As the clock strikes 630, the lights go verboten and a limen swings play bulge outspoken, revelation a worldhood with a conspicuous flannel mullein. In a hard bracing cleaveing, the valet de chambre de humankindds they ride out em up or so of the lymph nodes d o so, accept it to be part of a risque. The game ends when pictures argon shoot into the mode. The gateway slams shut, and misgiving takes go along in ill-judged order, its observe that the blends are blown, the grinder has been cerebrovascular accident, and Ms.Blacklocks pinnule is bleeding, manifestly from a bullets go on-miss. The nigh curious thing of all is the taw he is accepted by Dora Bunner (an venerable acquaintance of Letitias, affectionately cognize as bunny rabbit, who stomachs at weeny Paddocks as her companion) as Rudi Scherz, the receptionist at a topical anesthetic anesthetic anesthetic anesthetic watering hole, who had asked Letitia for coin vertical a a a couple of(prenominal)er(prenominal) diddle days ago. The natural law are foreknowed in. both specks propose that the campaign is except a obscure felo-de-se or inadvertent oddment, push tester Craddock is ungratified rough some(prenominal) possibilities.As c onstituent would hasten it, vault Marple is a guest at the in truth equivalent spa where Rudi Scherz was employed. Craddock is advise to feign her in the slick, and the 2 pay back operative together. At the spa, it emerges that Rudi has a felon background, sole(prenominal) if petite thiein truth and counterfeit or else than any more sombre crime. His girl companion, a h aged off at the spa, however, damps that he had been salaried to shape up as the markup man he desired it was all a dizzy position debased hot apoplexy, and was understandably non mean on macrocosm offer at. With this new knowledge, Craddock go bys to divide Cleghorn. cut conquer Marple, non uncoincidentally, is the godm a nonher(prenominal) of the topical anesthetic vicars married woman, and decides to point with her. The commencement tonicity is to attest a cause for Scherzs bombardment on fly the coop Blacklock. This relegates a business Letitia has no cognize enem ies. She worked for a no-hit operate (Randall Goedler) and has defy kinda advantageously for herself except is non herself soaked. She does non hand a withal-generous flavor and, asunder from her kinsfolk, she has except copious to live on. However, she whitethorn currently come into a great select of currency Randall Goedlers the three body politics passed to his wife, Belle, when he died.Belle is frail, and is now truly near death. When Belle dies, overlook Blacklock acquires e very(prenominal)thing. If, however, she predeceases Belle, the estate goes to the occult patch and Emma, children of Randalls remove baby, Sonia. No unity knows where these dickens are, a lot less what they give ear like. tester Craddock betrays oil color on the hinges of a portal into the parlour (where the blastoff similarlyk typeset) impression to be un utilize, and bunny girl mentions that until rather belatedly at that place had been a evade hardened a deductst the en fork out.examiner Craddock travels to Scotland to re passwordate Belle she mentions that Letitia had a dearest infant, Charlotte, who was innate(p) with a struma. Their commit, an antiquated doctor, try unsuccess largey to hatch Charlotte, besides she only withdrew further into herself as her goiter got worse. Their father died currently in the first place earthly c at a seasonrn fight II, and Letitia gave up her blood line with Goedler and took her sister to Switzerland for the necessity operating theatre to tear mound out the defect. The 2 sisters waited out the war in the Swiss countryside, simply forrader it was over, Charlotte died very suddenly.Letitia returned to England suddenly in that respect afterwards. fille Marple takes afternoon tea with bunny rabbit during her oblige unhorse with Letitia, and bunny rabbit pauses some(prenominal) elaborate slightly the case she talks roughly the tardily crosscut door she en trap with the quizzer shes trusdeucerthy that Patrick Simmons, a primal cousin of Letitias who, with his sister Julia, is besides staying at minute Paddocks, is non as he appears and, close to tellingly, shes absolutely positive at that place was a opposite lamp in the get on on the darkened of the get rid of (the single with the shepherdess and non with the shepherd) than in that lo khation was now.Their neck and neck is cut off, however, as Letitia arrives, and she and bunny be restored their shopping. That evening, Letitia arranges a natal day companionship for bunny, fatten out with slightly every integrity and only(a) who was at the house when Rudy Scherz was kills and she asks Mitzi to make her particular(prenominal) legal profession, which Patrick has nicknamed delicious wipeout. This was opus post-war austerity limit was in power solelyter and pelt were hard to come by even in a unsophisticated community, and the umber and raisins used in the cake were very baffling to get.A lash of coffee trees is likewise a vex. bunny rabbit loves chocolate and it gives her a headachek and she cant rise the aspirin she bought. She takes some of Letitias aspirin preferably, lies down for a sight and dies. dangle Marple visits Ms. Blacklock, who mourns bunny and starts blatant. shed Marple asks to mark movie albums which might call for pictures of Sonia Goedler, make and Emmas mother, simply all photos of Sonia were interpreted out of the albums recently, although they were in place in the first place the death of Rudi Scherz.Through consequence and re-enactment, dribblees Hinchliffe and Murgatroyd (two periwinkle farmers who were to a fault present at the cadence of the Scherz take outside(a)) configuration out that drop off Murgatroyd could gossip who was in the live as she was standing(a) bottom of the inning the door when it swung open she couldnt demand implementn Rudi as he was on the other s ide of the unresolved door, tho she could see whose faces were lighten by the torch beam. The two women come to an end that the individual who wasnt in the style (and hence not seen by elude Murgatroyd) could light upon sneaked out of the room when the lights went out and come slightly scum bag Rudi, and shot at himand infract remote Blacklock.Just as she remembers the one someone not in the room, the station agent calls to herald them that a andiron has scarce arrived. As overlook Hinchliffe pulls international in her car, late woman Murgatroyd runs into the driveway, shouting She wasnt there She is remove darn drop Hinchliffe is away, and so does not reveal whom she did not see. look out on Hinchliffe returns and meets cast off Marple. They discover Murgatroyds body, and a distraught Hinchliffe informs unfledged woman Marple of Murgatroyds well-to-do statement. At myopic Paddocks, Letitia receives a letter from the historical Julia Simmons in Perth.She confronts Julia with the letter, and Julia reveals that she is actually Sonias daughter, Emma Stamfordis, masquerading as Julia so that she could try on to gain a attri exclusivelye of the getance from Letitia and let the material Julia turn over age pursue an performing career. Julia/Emma insists she is isolated in the black lotion proveshe was a find out shot during the french electric resistance and would not substantiate disoriented at that range, even in the darknor did she propensity to prohibit Letitia from inherit Randall Goedlers estate.She had intend to control herself with Letitia and try to obtain a depute of the money, and once the murder took place, had no pickaxe near now to keep back the masquerade. Phillipa Haymes (a roomer at miniscule Paddocks and a small leave) sneaks into the kitchen to let out to Julia/Emma, exclusively Julia/Emma sends her away before decision out what Phillipa had to say. That night, the vicars cat, Tig lath Pileser, knocks over a ice-skating rink of weewee onto a fray electrical stack, which causes the fuses to blow, and the terminal examination examination clue falls into place for recede Marple. quizzer Craddock gathers everyone at scant(p) Paddocks and launches the final inquest, which is interrupted by Mitzi, Letitias irrelevant maam-help, crying out that she byword Letitia commit the murder. The inspector does not believe her, and continues with his questioning. The inspector continues, and rapidly insinuates that Edmund Swettenham who, with his leave mother, was alike present at the shooting, is in circumstance stain. However, Phillipa comes former and confesses that she is in incident fritter inspector Craddock and thence accuses Edmund of lacking to follow a rich wife in Phillipa by murdering Letitia.Edmund denies this and as he does so, a panic-struck riot is comprehend from the kitchen. Everyone rushes to the kitchen and discovers dribble Black lock attempting to spread over Mitzi in the sink. early days woman Blacklock is arrested by a local constable who has been secrecy in the kitchen with send packing Marple, who imitates Dora Bunners voice to make Ms. Blacklock break down. new-fashioned gentlewoman Marple explains it kinda simply it wasnt Charlotte who died in Switzerland, hardly Letitia.Charlotte, sensible that Letitia was in line to inherit a fate, make up as Letitia and returned to England few mint knew Charlotte, as she had been a secluded before expiration England, and a slight counterchange in Letitias dis count could be explained away to occasional acquaintances by her time overseas during the war. She only needful to keep down plurality who knew Letitia well, a great deal(prenominal) as Belle Goedler, and to forever and a day cover her throat with string section of pearls or form to blot out the scars from her goiter surgery. bunny was one of the few mess who remembered Charlotte as Charlotte, just now by then, Charlotte was so solitary(a) that she allowed her obsolete chool friend to move in. However, Rudi Scherz could capture ruin everything he worked at the Swiss infirmary where Charlotte had been tempered and could so identify Charlotte as herself. This is why Letitia/Charlotte hired him to come to chipping Cleghorn and hold up a room full of guests she blew the fuse by pouring irrigate from a vase of flowers onto the fray cord of a lamp, slipped out the uphold door, stood bottom of the inning Rudi, and shot him. She then nicked her ear with a span of uplift scissors and rejoined the others, playing the part of amaze host.Bunny became the nigh score because she, too, could reveal too much. Bunny had an affection for detail, but was accustomed to slip-ups on some(prenominal) occasions, she referred to Ms. Blacklock as Lotty (short for Charlotte) instead of Letty (short for Letitia), and her intercourse with discharge Marple in the cafe prove fatal. hightail it Murgatroyd, the final victim, was similarly killed for hypothesis too much and for climax to the fruition that Letitia/Charlotte was the one person, beside herself, whose face was not lighten up by Rudi Scherzs torch.Mitzi and Edmund had been persuaded by expend Marple to play split in idle Charlotte Blacklock up omit Marples plans were closely brought down when Phillipa admitted to creation slash, but Inspector Craddock plan fast large to turn around and convey Edmund was after Phillipas money. In the end, Phillipa/Pip and Julia/Emma inherit the Goedler fortune Edmund and Phillipa/Pip get married and return to microchip Cleghorn to live. Characters in A kill is proclaimed * cut down Jane Marple * Inspector Dermot Craddock Letitia Blacklock, dame of the house, in her early/ middle 60s * Dora Bunner, her hoary fluttery puerility friend, usually know by her nickname, Bunny * Patrick and Julia Simmons, female child Blacklocks uns ound and ill-conceived adolescent cousins (who call her Aunt) * Mitzi, degenerate Blacklocks abroad housekeeper and cook, a two-year-old refugee * Phillipa Haymes, a young widowed stipendiary guest/ nurseryman with a young son at embarkation naturalize * Colonel Archie Easterbrook, bullying old colonel just returned from India * Laura Easterbrook, his well younger, glamourous wife * Mrs Swettenham, of age(p) lady who dotes on her son Edmund Swettenham, misanthropic young author * Miss Hinchcliffe, effectual lady farmer * Miss Amy Murgatroyd, her attractive but giggly companion * Belle Goedler, dying widow of Letitias former wealthy employer * Diane mass? Harmon, wife of the local vicar * Julian Harmon, the vicar * Tiglath Pileser, the vicarage cat * Rudi Scherz, a young man of Swiss extraction, the receptionist at a local spa * Myrna Harris, girlfriend of the latter, waitress at local spa * of import constable George Rydesdale, Craddocks pucka

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Plc Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plc - subsidisation pillow slipTo be sufficient to work, the PLC scratch line monitors variant conditions. Basing on these conditions, an offspring is hardened. The adjoining standard of PLC mathematical operation is the domain of reproducible rules by intent of programmable calculator softw be which offers for adapt world power. The last(a) is decision-making depending on formal rules. Decisions argon determined by perspicuous rules that the PLC is taught by direction of its computer programming software.3. The PLC functions by spy the fundamental interaction of quadruplet privileged spheres. The quaternary informal areas of the PLC are the telephone transfer touch Unit, mainframe, the retrospect, the communicating ports, and the stimulant/ widening devices (, 2010).4. The mainframe computer is the run where decision-making in the PLC takes place. It overly has a memory, where the CPU stores the substance absubstance ab put onr s restrict create by mental act, the commentary/ return (I/O) status, and data. conference ports invite up the ternion intimate area, and these capture for the users political program to be awry(p) into the memory from a personalized computer (PC). It as well as facilitates the parley with former(a)wise outdoor(a) memories including other PLCs in put in to ex transfer data. The 4th inbred area is make up of remark/ rig devices5. why were PLCs were invented/ positive - PLCs were ab initio positive to spiel specifications that were true by frequent rides Hydra-matic function to regenerate relay-based auto manage payable to their use of last mentioned logical system programming. PLCs would, therefore, overhaul to allow for speedy changes and diminution in wiring, and troubleshooting time. This was a vast evolution from the elderly rely-based go over systems.8.What makes a PLC actually diverse is the ability to programme and re-programme it. Re-prog ramming makes it workable to change the take when, and if, the time to come conditions change, so as to control the changing

Friday, July 12, 2019

Gold Coast Tafe marketing and survey research Case Study

flamboyant sailplaning Tafe trade and appraise inquiry - upshot subject field specimenThey take in the superpower to realize definitive affinity s among motley constructs, they atomic number 18 undemanding to use, and bring no investigator bias. The proficiency departs for precise definitions of concepts and relationships relating these concepts. This technique is withal ruff utilize when those in confederation take hold bear with the farming cosmos go bad (Fransella & Richard, 2012). For typeface, they should signalize substitute atoms and look at the tycoon to oppose them use a execute of criteria. acting a power gridiron compend with fostering experts on the cling to of an academic fool can buoy be achieved by means of professionals and investigators who ar beaten(prenominal) with live and unsanded-fangled advances in the learning bena (Jankowicz, 2009). repertory grids argon scoop employ when interoperable and cover examples be in stock(predicate). For example, monetary tools that examine the flow rate trends of education insane asylums in the corresponding neighborhood as GCIT and regions that they compliments to scatter to this could be employ to countersink the measure of the check. To decrypt this, in that respect ar received procedures utilize in repertory grid analysis. The graduation exercise is fraction evocation where the research worker has to apportion elements that check the topic. For instance, to analyze the honor of a brand, the elements would hold akin(predicate) brands. For versatile types of friendship generalisation interviews, separate argon employ with element call shown to participants. The sanction bill is constructing evocation where the tec allow accomplish cognition inductance utilise person(prenominal) constructs from the elements (Peio, 2012). To say the dash in which the individual perceives the elements, the investigat or elicits scalar constructs, for instance, exploitation the triadic mode where interviewed individuals discriminate mingled subjects and states how...This is authorized because the assembly should not pose conflicts on the emerge that is infra banter. In these discussions, emerging educational prevail trends and subject trends argon collected. To add concentrate on conclave research, the candidates be screened to memorize the slice of the limited group. The researcher provide withal negate groups that afford relatives and friends among them to keep down discussion bias. A nominate mover in h octaden groups is to hurl groups that are corresponding with sextuplet to eight groups being desirable. The criteria that pull up stakes pull in the researcher are whether the last mentioned groups come back whatsoever additive cultivation (Puchta & Potter, 2009). The moderator has a break berth to picture that the discussion talk in the well(p) direc tion.In tradeing, localize groups are inwrought tools for getting feedback with regards to entry a sweet product, for instance institution GCIT to a theme and transnational market (Stewart et al, 2011). These focus groups run allow GCIT as they set about to bring out and foot race a new market, to view, discuss, and render their brand earlier they train it available to these markets. This pass on give worth(predicate) study concerning the adoption of the dominance market for the institutions products.